Sunday, January 5, 2020

Steel Mill Immigrants of Industrial America Essay - 619 Words

Steel Mill Immigrants of Industrial America For many Americans, the late nineteenth century was a time of big business, marked by economic and social evolution. In the period between the 1880 and 1920, the American economy was growing at a rapid pace. Many European immigrants without industrial skills flooded into American factories and steel mills. These new comers came in search of better economic opportunity, which paved the way for Heavy, low paying labor that became the job description of the era for many immigrants. One such story of immigrants of the time is Thomas Bells Out of this Furnace. This not only a story of three generations of Slovaks and the challenges they faced but also about the Americanization and evolving†¦show more content†¦Trapped by the constant work schedules and fear of losing their jobs, the men could only hope to escape their daily routine and tell the mills to go to hell(33). In the novel, Krachas family is a full one. He has three daughters and a world of problems at home. Despite this he refuses to waste away at the mill after a couple of years. So he sees opportunity, and becomes a butcher. Unfortunately he fails at his attempts to climb the ranks economically. Kracha, like most workers of the time, drowns him self in alcohol to hide from the problems of bills, finances and taxes. Krachas wife, Elena, had to take in boarders to lighten the economic load. This is a typical practice of women in the mill towns. Not only did they take in boarders, but also they took care of the house and had to raise the children wile sometimes taking odd jobs to make ends meat. The second part of the novel is about Mike Dobrejcak who married, Krachas eldest daughter, Mary. Mike is also a mill worker, migrated to America when he was still in his teens. This second generation of Slovaks is becoming more aware of politics, and how important their votes are in elections. With a greater understanding of the issues around them the second generation of immigrants started to vote. Still working in the mills they hold fast to the American dream. Faced with the same problems that the first generation had, now heShow MoreRelatedEssay about Out of This Furnace Analysis892 Words   |  4 PagesSteel Mill Immigrants Of Industrial America For many Americans, the late nineteenth century was a time of big business, marked by economic and social evolution. In the period between the 1880 and 1920, the American economy was growing at a rapid pace. Many European immigrants without industrial skills flooded into American factories and steel mills. These new comers came in search of better economic opportunity, which paved the way for Heavy, low paying labor that became the job description ofRead MoreReformation And Riots. 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